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Table Of Contents

  1. Configuration Files
  2. Location Of Configuration Files
  3. Saving Options

1:   Configuration Files

Album behavior can be controlled through command-line options, such as:

% album -no_known_images

% album -geometry 133x100

% album -exif "File: %File name% " -exif "taken with %Camera make%"

But these options can also be specified in a configuration file:

# Example configuration file      # comments are ignored
known_images       0              # known_images=0 is same as no_known_images
geometry           133x100
exif               "File: %File name% "
exif               "taken with %Camera make%"

The configuration file format is one option per line optionally followed
by whitespace and the option value.  Boolean options can be set without
the option value or can be cleared/set with 0 and 1.

2:   Location Of Configuration Files

album looks for configuration files in a few locations, in order:

/etc/album/album.conf        System-wide settings
/etc/album.conf              System-wide settings
$BASENAME/album.conf         In the 'album' install directory
$HOME/.albumrc               User specific settings
$HOME/.album.conf            User specific settings
$DOT/album.conf              User specific (I keep my dot files elsewhere)
$USERPROFILE/album.conf      For Windows (C:\Documents and Settings\TheUser)

album also looks for album.conf files inside the photo album directories.
Sub-albums can also have album.conf which will alter the settings 
from parent directories (this allows you to, for example, have a 
different theme for part of your photo album).  Any album.conf files 
in your photo album directories will configure the album and any sub-albums
unless overridden by any album.conf settings found in a sub-album.

As an example, consider a conf for a photo album at 'images/album.conf':

theme       Dominatrix6
columns     3

And another conf inside 'images/europe/album.conf':

theme       Blue

album will use the Dominatrix6 theme for the images/ album and all of
it's sub-albums except for the images/europe/ album which will use
the Blue theme.  All of the images/ album and sub-albums will have
3 columns since that wasn't changed in the images/europe/ album, however
all of the thumbnails in images/europe/ and all of it's sub-albums
will be cropped due to the 'crop' configuration setting.

3:   Saving Options

Whenever you run an album, the command-line options are saved in
an album.conf inside the photo album directory.  If an album.conf
already exists it will be modified not overwritten, so it is safe
to edit this file in a text editor.

This makes it easy to make subsequent calls to album.  If you
first generate an album with:

% album -crop -no_known_images -theme Dominatrix6 -name_sort images/

Then the next time you call album you can just:

% album images/

This works for sub-albums as well:

% album images/africa/

Will also find all of the saved options.

Some 'one-time only' options are not saved for obvious reasons, such
as -add, -clean, -force, etc..

  • Created by make_faq from Marginal Hacks
