#c// ################################################################### #c// Album Theme created by shawn@teq.org #c// ################################################################### Album: <: pAlbum_Name() :> <: Meta() :>

<: pJoin_Parent_Albums(":"); :>


updated <: print `date` :>
<: if (isHeader()) { _:>

<: } _:> #c # Are there more albums below this one? <: if (Child_Albums()) { _:> #c # Loop on all the albums <: while (Child_Albums()) { _:> #c # And start a new row every fourth one <: if (!((Child_Album_Cnt()+1) % 4)) { _:> <: } :> #c # End album loop <: Next_Child_Album() :> <: } :>


<: pChild_Album() :>
#c # End if albums <: } :> #c # Are there any images? (There might only be Child_Albums!) <: if (Images()) { _:> #c # Loop on the images <: while(Images()) { _:> <: if (!(Image_Cnt() % 4)) { _:> <: } :> #c # End while images <: Next_Image() :> <: } :>
<: pImage() :>
<: pImage_Caption() :>
#c # End if images <: } :>
<: if (isHeader()) { _:>

<: } _:>
<: Credit() :>