Workshop Pictures

Prior to demolitions commencing, but after we'd hauled about 10 cubic yards of old trash out to the dumpster.

After the ceiling was ripped out, but before it was cleaned up.

After the demolition was completed. Next step from here was wiring up new lights and moving everything from the study down to where it belongs.

Some odd wires. They are single conductor, and seem to randomly wander around. Later investigations seem to have proven these to be servant signalling wires - they go to the side door doorbell, and a plate in the very middle of the dining room floor... where a bell mounted under the head of the dining room table would plug in.

Two shots of the workshop as stuff is moving in. I need more shelving, and I need the third work table to be together and useful... which will happen when I get around to rebuilding the legs. Clearly visible are the new lights... just ceramic sockets with 100W compact fluorescents... they draw about the same amount of power as the single bulb a few pictures back did in the same space... and put out 6x the light.