#c// ################################################################### #c// Album Theme by David Ljung Madison based on #c// generic SimmerTheme by Dave Simmer of DaveWeb.com #c// -- Auto generated by http://MarginalHacks.com/Hacks/album/simmer_theme #c// ################################################################### #c// <: # Image arrays are: name, width, height sub img_src { print "$_[4]" if ($_[1]); } # Path setting - this is the path to the images $PATH = Theme_URL(); # Icons/graphics @Bar_L = ("Bar_L.png", 27, 20); @Bar_M = ("Bar_M.png", "90%", 20); @Bar_R = ("Bar_R.png", 27, 20); @More = ("More.png", 42, 18); @Back = ("Back.png", 32, 24); @Next = ("Next.png", 25, 32); @Prev = ("Prev.png", 25, 32); # Thumbnail border $X = Image_Page() ? Image_Width() : Option('x'); $Y = Image_Page() ? Image_Height() : Option('y'); @ThBord_L = ("tho_left.png", 39, $Y-0-0); @ThBord_R = ("tho_right.png", 41, $Y-0-0); @ThBord_T = ("tho_top.png", $X+39+41-0-0, 39); @ThBord_B = ("Null.gif", $X+39+2-0-0, 41); # Texts $backText = "Up"; $prevText = "(previous) "; $nextText = "(next) "; :>// #c// #c// Everything beyond here is the same for the generic DaveWeb image theme.. <: Meta() :> <:=Image_Name() :> > > >
<: pJoin_Parent_Albums(" : "); :>
<: $back=Back(); print ""; $imgAttributes = "align='middle' title='" . $backText . "'"; @Back ? img_src(@Back,$imgAttributes) : print $backText; print "\n"; :>
<:img_src(@Bar_L); img_src(@Bar_M); img_src(@Bar_R);:>
<: Set_Image_Prev() :>//PREV
> <: $imgAttributes = "title='" . Image_Name() . "'"; img_src(@Prev, $imgAttributes); :>
<: Set_Image_Next() :>//NEXT
> <: $imgAttributes = "title='" . Image_Name() . "'"; img_src(@Next, $imgAttributes); :>
#c// #c// Prev/caption/next #c//
<: Set_Image_This() :>// CAPTION
<: Set_Image_This() :>// #c// #c// The image #c//

#c// All corners <: if (@ThBord_LB) { _:>
<:img_src(@ThBord_LT):> ><:pImage_Src():> <:img_src(@ThBord_RT):>
<:img_src(@ThBord_L):> <:img_src(@ThBord_R):>
<:img_src(@ThBord_LB):> <:img_src(@ThBord_RB):>
#c// Two corners <: } elsif (@ThBord_TL) { _:> <:img_src(@ThBord_TL):><:img_src(@ThBord_T):><:img_src(@ThBord_TR):>
#c// No corners <: } else { _:> ><:pImage_Src():>
<: } _:>

<:img_src(@Bar_L); img_src(@Bar_M); img_src(@Bar_R);:>
Theme by thocar. <: Credit() :> on <:=scalar localtime:>