#c// ################################################################### #c// Album Theme by Ed Maste, updated by DaveSource #c// 2003/06: XHTML 1.0 & .htaccess: Magnus von Koeller, vonkoeller.de #c// 2003/06: CSS: hnilek, hnilek.zsbarr.cz #c// ################################################################### #c// <: # Path setting - this is the path to the images $PATH = Theme_URL(); # Font/color settings for the document $INTER_ROW_HEIGHT = "10"; $BORDER_WIDTH = "0"; $BODY = "bgcolor='#ffffff' text='#666666' link='blue' alink='blue' vlink='purple'"; $SEP_BAR = "

Separator bar
"; # Shorthand for column info specified by -columns $Cols = Option('columns'); $Col_Perc = int(100/$Cols)."%"; # Thumbnail border @ThBord_L = ("$PATH/ThBord_L.gif", 11, 0); @ThBord_R = ("$PATH/ThBord_R.gif", 13, 0); @ThBord_TL = ("$PATH/ThBord_TL.gif", 11, 11); @ThBord_TR = ("$PATH/ThBord_TR.gif", 13, 11); @ThBord_BL = ("$PATH/ThBord_BL.gif", 11, 13); @ThBord_BR = ("$PATH/ThBord_BR.gif", 13, 13); @ThBord_T = ("$PATH/ThBord_T.gif", 0, 11); @ThBord_B = ("$PATH/ThBord_B.gif", 0, 13); @Border = (\@ThBord_TL,\@ThBord_T,\@ThBord_TR,\@ThBord_RT,\@ThBord_R,\@ThBord_RB,\@ThBord_BR,\@ThBord_B,\@ThBord_BL,\@ThBord_LB,\@ThBord_L,\@ThBord_LT); @locked = ("$PATH/locked.jpg", 10, 10); @empty = ("$PATH/empty.jpg", 10, 10); :>// <: Meta() :> Album: <:=Path('album_name'):> >

Album: <:=Parent_Albums("::"):>

<:=$SEP_BAR:> #c// Are there more albums below this one? <: my $alb = First('dirs'); if ($alb || isHeader()) { _:> <: if ($alb) { _:> <: } :> #c// --SGR <: if (isHeader()) { _:> <: } _:> #c// ++SGR

#c// #c// Loop on all the albums <: while ($alb) { my $locked = (-e Get($alb,'path').'/.htaccess') ? 1 : 0; print Image_Array($locked ? @locked : @empty); print Get($alb,'href','dir'); print Name($alb),"\n"; print Caption($alb),"
\n"; $alb = Next($alb); } _:>


#c// Bar after child albums <:=$SEP_BAR:> #c// #c// End of sub-albums/header <: } :> #c// The images <: my $img = First('pics'); if ($img) { _:> <: while ($img) { _:>// <: my $new_row = (!((Get($img,'num')+1) % $Cols) && Next($img)) ? 1 : 0; :> <: if ($new_row || !Next($img)) { _:> <: } $img = Next($img); } _:>
<: Border($img,'thumb','image', @Border) if Get($img,'thumb','x') :> <:=Get($img,'href','image'):> <:=Name($img):> <: my $cap=Caption($img); print "
$cap" if $cap :>
<:=$SEP_BAR:> <:}:>// #c// #c// Optional footer <: if (isFooter()) { _:>


<:=$SEP_BAR:> <: } _:>

<: Credit() :> on <:=scalar localtime:>